A code of conduct is necessary in our school community to realize the educational objectives of the school.


  1. To provide the opportunity for each learner to develop his/her abilities and skills optimally in every educational area in which the school is involved.
  2. To provide each learner, as a unique individual, with the opportunity to prepare himself/herself fully so that he/she may play a meaningful role in society as an adult.
  3. To provide each learner with a safe and secure learning environment which acknowledges that each learner is a unique individual with his/her own special traits and needs.
  4. To teach learners the principle of caring for one another in a spirit of co-operation and support.
  5. To ensure a safe environment so as to limit physical injuries as far as possible.
  6. To offer, in a school-parent partnership, the best for the child through effective communication.

Proper behavior must always and simply be based on three principles:  respect for oneself, respect for the worth and dignity of others, and respect for one's own and others' property.

  • We are kind, respectful and helpful to others.
  • We keep ourselves and others safe.
  • We do our best in the classroom and do what we can to support each other's learning.
  • We take responsibility for our actions.
  • We respect and care for our environment.

Learners’ responsibilities:

  • School rules will be obeyed, not out of obligation, but by choice because of a feeling of pride in the school.
  • Diligent completion of school work and 100% school attendance.
  • Attendance of the school programme (both curricular and extracurricular.)
  • The school day begins at 8:30.
  • Assembly in the hall: learners assemble in class groups. Silence and order are, once again, absolute requirements.
  • Each learner has to do his/ her utmost to maintain order in classes.
  • Each learner must contribute towards an effective and efficient work pace and the completion of work.
  • Learners may not bring any toys, e.g. mice, water pistols, walkman, crackers, electronic games, etc. to school.
  • No learner may be outside classes during school hours without permission.
  • Furniture and other material or apparatus, e.g. projectors, etc. may not be used without permission and may not be damaged.
  • It is expected of learners to be courteous and friendly towards teachers.
  • Learners must be obedient and must complete daily tasks and home work to the best of their abilities.
  • Learners should act in such a way towards one another that it will be, for all parties involved, a positive experience.
  • It is expected of learners to be loyal towards the school and not to speak badly about the school, teachers or other learners.
  • It is expected from learners to look after books received. Learners have to replace books which have been lost.
  • Homework is the learner's opportunity to work independently.
  • Study and learning are equally important. A learner with a high sense of duty will never say that he or she does not have any homework. Use all opportunities in class to do homework.
  • No rough or dangerous games may be played during breaks.
  • The public phone may only be used before school, during breaks and after school.
  • When announcements are made over the intercom system, all learners have to be quiet and must listen and react if expected from them.
  • Learners may only be absent from school because of illness or a good reason.
  • When a learner has been absent, he/she is obliged to bring a letter from his parents, indicating the reason for the absenteeism, on the day the learner returns to school. If a learner is absent for a period longer than two days, a doctor's certificate is required.
  • No initiation may take place on school properties.
  • No learner may be insulted or discriminated.
  • No racist, derogatory or humiliating remarks towards other learners will be tolerated.
  • If a prospective learner is found guilty of a criminal act, such a learner will not be allowed at the school.
  • If a learner of the school engages in a criminal act and is found guilty, such a learner may be asked to leave the school immediately.
  • Learners are required to wear a specified school uniform.
  • No jewellery, except small gold ear studs or small gold rings.
  • No make-up may be worn.
  • Hair may not hang over the eyes.
  • No learner may leave the school territory during school hours.
  • No learner may be in possession of tobacco or cigarettes or alcoholic drink or any other unacceptable habit-forming or intoxicating substance or may use any of these.
  • No learner may be in possession of pornographic or erotic material.
  • Deal with conflict in a peaceful way - fighting is not permitted.  Get help from an adult to solve the problem if necessary.
  • When the bell rings for the lesson immediately stop your games or activities and go to your classroom or class meeting area.
  • Running and hiding games like tag and hide-and seek are not to be played inside the school.

Parents’ responsibilities:

  • Help their children to achieve their learning success.
  • Communicate regularly with the school.
  • Immediately come to school when they are required.
  • Support their children’s teacher in their efforts to provide an education for their children.
  • Recognize that the education of their child(ren) is a joint responsibility of the parents and the school community.
  • Send their children to school ready to participate and learn.
  • Ensure their children attend school regularly and on time.
  • Know school rules and help their children understand them.
  • Build good relationships with teachers, other parents and their children’s friends.
  • Inform school officials of changes in the home situation that may affect student conduct or performance.
  • Provide a place for study and ensure homework assignments are completed.

Teachers’ responsibilities:

  • Maintain a climate of mutual respect and dignity, which will strengthen students’ self concept and promote confidence to learn.
  • Be prepared to teach.
  • Demonstrate interest in teaching and concern for student achievement.
  • Know school policies and rules, and enforce them in a fair and consistent manner.
  • Communicate to students and parents.
  • Encourage students to benefit from the curriculum and extracurricular programs.
  • Show respect to pupils.
  • Help students to see their potential and work towards it.
  • Regularly assess work completed.
  • As tutors, to monitor uniform, punctuality and attendance and take appropriate action when it is required.
  • Give appropriate sanctions for those who refuse to accept the code.
  • Try to understand the students and the colleagues.
  • Communicate peacefully with the parents.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or not herein, the decision as to whether any rule in the Code of Conduct has been trespassed, lies with the School Governing Body or the Director according to the specific case. 
The decision as to whether a learner was under the authority of the Director or not during a supposed or affirmed transgression, rests with the Director.


Казахстан, г. Алматы, Сатпаева, 40Б

  • dummy+7 (727) 274-48-08

  • dummy+7 (727) 274-75-25

  • dummyinfo@isoa.kz

International school of Almaty © 2000-2018. САЙТ СОЗДАН ДИЗАЙН-СТУДИЕЙ APPLE CITY CREATIVE
